Support MacMillan by selling chocolate bars

MacMillan’s Coffee Morning is a great excuse to get your friends together for coffee and cake, and raise money for a good cause. It’s not just cake though, you can support Macmillan by selling chocolate bars too!

It’s All About The Wrapper are again proud to be associated with this wonderful charity that helps to ensure that no one has to face cancer alone – from the moment they’re diagnosed, through treatment and beyond. They are also an incredible support for those left behind.

I have produced MacMillan branded chocolate bars for some of my customers who have been generous enough to host a coffee morning. My customer then sells these delicious bars for a higher amount to raise money. I also provide some free bars too.

As well as the MacMillan branding on the front of the chocolate bar you can include text on the back of the wrapper with your own specific message. It might be a heartfelt message about the charity & the inspiring work that they do, or perhaps a very personal message about someone that you love who is currently waiting for treatment, under-going treatment or is on the long road to recovery. Or it might be a thank you to MacMillan for the support they have given you after losing your loved one. I have been through this horrendous ordeal with my father 15 years ago, so I know how much Macmillan will help those in need.

If you would like to do this for next year’s Coffee Morning please sign up to the mailing list so we can keep in touch. One idea is to include a golden ticket in one of your chocolate bars giving your friends the chance to win a prize – this might encourage even more support & more pennies in the charity pot!

Donate to MacMillan today!


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